Tourism Management- Marketing - پردیس بین المللی کیش kish
University of Tehran
Kish International Campus
Master Degree Program in
Tourism Management- Marketing
Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, and as borders disappear and business grows ever more global, demand for tourism and travel professionals will continue to grow as well. According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association the travel and tourism industry pays $186 billion in travel-related wages and salaries and employs 1.7 million hotel property workers. Additionally, tourism directly supports more than 7.4 million travel and tourism jobs. Tourism contributes largely to the GDP and wealth of many countries, it spreads cultural diversity and consumes natural, rural and urban spaces. Therefore, the completion of postgraduate studies is very important for the professionals who will manage the future of the tourism industry. This Master's degree provides the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to establish and develop the policy and strategy for tourism management, training professionals who can hold positions of responsibility in destination management and/or explore in depth the development of a method that elevates tourism to a scientific discipline. The students will learn about the use and the development of natural and cultural resources in tourism projects, the methods employed to reinvent a destination, and the opportunities to engage a destination's local population. The program challenges students to discover new ways in which technology can support a destination, how to attract and retain markets, and how to procure funding for development projects.
The Master of Tourism Management- Marketing requires completion of 32 credits, with 20 credits in the core courses and a minimum of 8 credits of directed marketing courses. The program requires completion of a thesis of 4 credits. Admitted students with a different undergraduate degree are also required to complete a few credits of leveling courses which prepare such students for success in the Master of Tourism Managements- Marketing, these courses do not count toward the degree.
A minimum GPA of 14 over 20 must be maintained for graduation.
Leveling Courses (not applicable to degree)
The Masters in Tourism Managements- Marketing assumes a B.S. degree in Tourism Managements. After admission any student holding any other undergraduate degree besides Tourism Managements will be required to complete the following leveling courses that are designed to provide a back ground for the Master courses. These leveling courses are not counted for graduate credit towards the Master in Tourism Managements- Marketing degree.
- Understanding tourism industry
- Economy of tourism
- Statistic methods in tourism research
- Planning in tourism development
- Management of tourism organizations
- Principles of scientific research in tourism
- Marketing management in tourism
- History of Iran's culture
- Geography of tourism in Iran
- English texts in tourism
- Principles in sociology
Students must write and defend a final thesis. The curriculum is intended to be completed in four semesters. This program is taught in English.
A minimum GPA of 14 over 20 must be maintained for graduation.
Core Courses: 10 courses required; 20 credits
The core curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep and broad foundation that serves throughout their career.
Course | Units | Hours |
Management of human resources in tourism industry | 2 | 32 |
Principles of management and marketing of services | 2 | 32 |
Information systems in tourism industry | 2 | 32 |
Management of total quality in tourism industry | 2 | 32 |
National and international environment and tourism | 2 | 32 |
Analysis of tourism behavior and cultural exchanges | 2 | 32 |
Policy making in tourism industry | 2 | 32 |
Management accounting in tourism industry | 2 | 32 |
Quantitative methods in tourism | 2 | 32 |
Evaluation of development projects in tourism | 2 | 32 |
Students are required to take the following courses designed for the Marketing direction of the program.
Courses: 4 courses required; 8 credits
Course | Units | Hours |
International marketing in tourism | 2 | 32 |
Consumer behavior in tourism | 2 | 32 |
Tourism products marketing | 2 | 32 |
Seminar in tourism marketing research | 2 | 32 |
Thesis: 4 credits
The research work for the thesis is supervised by one of the department member. The thesis must be written and defended within the second calendar years after admission into the M.A. in Tourism Management- Marketing program. The Thesis Committee will consist of a Chair and at least two other academic referees.
Courses Description:
Management of human resources in tourism industry
Course content:
International human resource management, Organizational culture, Labor markets, Recruitment and selection, Equal opportunities and managing diversity, Human resource development, Performance management and appraisal, Reward strategies in the tourism and hospitality industry, Employee relations involvement and participation, Employee wellbeing welfare health and safety in the workplace, Grievance and disciplinary procedures, Human resource management in the events industry
[1] | D. Nickson, Human Resource Management for Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Routledge, 2013. |
[2] | M. Riley, Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Routledge, 2014. |
Principles of management and marketing of services
Course content:
Introducing services, Organization for service, Design of the service, The service setting, Service quality, The service encounter, Managing people, Demand and capacity management, Service communications, Performance measurement, Relationship marketing, Monitoring and evaluating the service
[1] | P. Mudie and A. Pirrie, Services Marketing Management, Routledge, 2012. |
[2] | D. V. Tesone, Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry, Routledge, 2012. |
Information systems in tourism industry
Course content:
Understanding tourism information technology, Looking and booking, Traveling, Staying and playing, Issues and trends
[1] | P. J. Benckendorff, P. J. Sheldon and D. R. Fesenmaier, Tourism Information Technology, 2nd Edition, CABI, 2014. |
Management of total quality in tourism industry
Course content:
Concepts of Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Services, Unique Characteristics of Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Services, Service Quality Concepts and Dimensions Pertinent to Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Services, The Impact of People Process and Physical Evidence on Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Service Quality, Understanding the Role of the Service Encounter in Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Services, An Examination of Their Relationships, Competitive Advantages of Service Quality in Hospitality Tourism and Leisure Services, Service Quality Monitoring and Feedback Systems, Measuring Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Managing Service Failure Through Recovery, Empowering Service Personnel to Deliver Quality Service, An Organizations Blueprint for Assisting the Delivery of Superior Service, Managing and Marketing Internal and External Relationships, CrossCultural Issues in Service Quality, Technology and Its Impact on Service Quality, What Are the Questions and Challenges for Tomorrows Virtual University?
[1] | C. Mok, B. Sparks and J. Kadampully, Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure, Routledge, 2013. |
[2] | T. Lenehan and D. Harrington, Managing Quality in Tourism: Theory and Practice, Oak Tree Press, 1998. |
National and international environment and tourism
Course content:
Introducing tourism, Philosophies and constructs, Tourism and environmental ethics, Tourisms relationship with the natural environment, Tourism and environmental economics, Environmental policy sustainable tourism and ecotourism, The environmental planning and management of tourism, Climate change natural disasters and tourism
[1] | A. Holden, Environment and Tourism, Routledge, 2016. |
[2] | R. Efe and M. Öztürk, Contemporary Studies in Environment and Tourism, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. |
[3] | F. D. Pineda, Tourism and Environment, WIT Press, 2013. |
Analysis of tourism behavior and cultural exchanges
Course content:
International Tourism the Global Environment, Cultural Theories and Practices, Culture and Cultural Differences, Tourist Behavior, CrossCultural Comparison, Multicultural Competence
[1] | Y. Reisinger and F. Dimanche, International Tourism, Routledge, 2010. |
[2] | V. Vigolo, Older Tourist Behavior and Marketing Tools, Springer, 2017. |
[3] | Y. Reisinger and L. W. Turner, Cross-cultural Behaviour in Tourism: Concepts and Analysis, Elsevier, 2003. |
Policy making in tourism industry
Course content:
Tourism policy issues of yesterday, Tourism policy issues for today, International tourism as a commercial and economic activity, Political and foreign policy implications of tourism, Managing sustainable tourism, Barriers and obstacles to international travel, Affecting and influencing tourism policy, The international tourism policy process, Strategic tourism planning , Transformative leadership poverty alleviation and tourism policies
[1] | D. L. Edgell Sr and J. Swanson, Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Routledge, 2013. |
[2] | D. A. Fennell and R. K. Dowling, Ecotourism Policy and Planning, CABI, 2013. |
[3] | J. Jenkins and D. Dredge, Stories of Practice: Tourism Policy and Planning, Routledge, 2016. |
Management accounting in tourism industry
Course content:
Hospitality decision makers use of accounting, Analyzing transactions and preparing yearend financial statements, Double entry accounting, Adjusting and closing entries, Financial statement analysis, Internal control, Cost management issues, Cost-volume profit analysis, Budgeting and responsibility accounting, Flexible budgeting and variance analysis, Performance measurement, Cost information and pricing, Working capital management, Investment decision making, Other managerial finance issues, Revenue management
[1] | C. Guilding, Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers, Routledge, 2014. |
[2] | T. Jones, H. Atkinson and A. Lorenz, Strategic Managerial Accounting: Hospitality, Tourism and Events Applications, Goodfellow, 2012. |
[3] | D. Adams, Management Accounting for the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries: A Strategic Approach, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2006. |
Quantity methods in tourism
Course content:
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Tourism Industry Analysis, InputOutput Model and its Application, Social Accounting Matrix Model and its Application, Introduction to Tourism Satellite Accounts, Future Directions and Explorations
[1] | T. Hara, Quantitative Tourism Industry Analysis: Introduction to Input-output, Social Accounting Matrix Modeling and Tourism Satellite Accounts, Routledge, 2008. |
[2] | Á. Matias, P. Nijkamp and M. Sarmento, Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics, Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. |
[3] | R. Baggio and J. Klobas, Quantitative Methods in Tourism: A Handbook, Channel View Publications, 2011. |
Evaluation of development projects in tourism
Course content:
Is Tourism the Best Alternative?, The Myth of Agency Through Community Participation in Ecotourism, Is Tourism Fair? What the Figures Do Not Tell, How the Tuareg from Timia are Instrumental zing Tourists to Support their Exotic Village, Case Studies in Muslim Countries, CubansJineteros Uses of Nationality talks in the Realm of their Informal Encounters with Tourists, the Dutch Market Perceptions of Morocco as a Tourism Destination, The Demand of Rural Tourism in a Natural Park in Southern Spain, Politics of Transformation and Narratives of Preservation in Botiza Romania, A Contextual Approach to the Power Relation Between Tourism and Development, Spatial Contestation within Cairos Historical Districts, a Southern Approach to Development and Poverty Alleviation, a Southern Solution Empowering Women through Tourism, Actors or Victims? Actororiented Perspectives on New Forms of Tourism, Rural Tourism in the Context of Ejidos and Community Development in Mexico, Tourism and Poverty Alleviation in Flores?
[1] | P. M. Burns and M. Novelli, Tourism Development: Growth, Myths, and Inequalities, CABI, 2008. |
[2] | J. Aramberri and R. Butler, Tourism Development: Issues for a Vulnerable Industry, Channel View Publications, 2005. |
Specialized courses for MA in tourism management; Marketing
international marketing in tourism
Course content:
Branding, Relationship Marketing, Experiential Marketing, E-Marketing, Epilogue
[1] | R. H. Tsiotsou and R. E. Goldsmith, Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services, Emerald Group Publishing, 2012. |
[2] | F. Vellas and L. Bécherel, The International Marketing of Travel and Tourism: A Strategic Approach, Macmillan Education UK, 1999. |
Consumer behavior in tourism
Course content:
- Context, The PurchaseDecision Process, Typologies of Tourist Behaviour, Tourism Demand and Markets, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing, Topical Issues in Consumer Behaviour
[1] | J. Swarbrooke and S. Horner, Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, Routledge, 2007. |
[2] | K. S. Chon, A. Pizam and Y. Mansfeld, Consumer Behavior in Travel and Tourism, Routledge, 2012. |
Tourism products marketing
Course content:
Collaboration and Tourism, Situation Analysis, Tourism Marketing Planning Implementation and Control, Concepts and Theories, Collaborative Effectiveness and Inter organizational, Global Airline Alliances, Hotel Consortia, Destination Collaboration
[1] | A. Fyall and B. Garrod, Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach, Channel View Publications, 2005. |
[2] | S. Briggs, Successful Tourism Marketing: A Practical Handbook, Kogan Page Publishers, 2001. |
[3] | A. V. Seaton and M. M. Bennett, The Marketing of Tourism Products: Concepts, Issues and Cases, Cengage Learning EMEA, 1996. |
Seminar in tourism marketing research
Course content:
The Impact of Consumer Search Behavior on Search Advertising in the Hotel Industry, CRM in Tourism, Advent of Information Technology in the world of Tourism, Sustainable Tourism Marketing Strategy, The Augmented Reality Marketing, Innovating Ansoff Growth Strategies in the Hotel Industry in Ghana, Smart Technologies, Potentials of Wineries as Tourism Destinations in India, Tourism Motivational Factors in Bhutan, A Birds Eye Views on Leisure Services, Regional Sustainable Development, Tourist Inflow in a Temple City, How Can a Regional Theme Park Survive in China?, Giving Brand Image to a Nation, Role of Tourism Industry in Employment Generation, A Comparative Study of an Innovative Marketing Strategies Adopted by Mahindra Holidays and Resorts India Ltd MHRIL and Sterling Holidays Res..., The Role of Marketing Strategies in the Tourism Industry, Tourism Marketing in Developing Countries
[1] | N. Ray, Emerging Innovative Marketing Strategies in the Tourism Industry, IGI Global, 2015. |
[2] | K. S. Chon, M. Uysal, D. Fesenmaier and J. O'Leary, Recent Advances in Tourism Marketing Research, Routledge, 2014. |