Renewable Energy Engineering - پردیس بین المللی کیش kish
Kish International Campus
Master Program in
Renewable Energy Engineering
The master's program in Renewable Energy Engineering provides state-of-the-art education in the fields of solar energy, power generation, energy utilization, turbomachinery, and transformation of energy systems.
This course is suitable for engineering, maths or science graduates who wish to specialise in renewable energy engineering. This course will equip students with the advanced interdisciplinary skills required to design, optimise and evaluate the technical and economic viability of renewable energy schemes. Renewable energy is now at the heart of every informed discussion concerning energy sustainability, security and affordability.
After the completion of this program, the students will be able to manage technical problems from a systems perspective, with a holistic view of their life cycle, from concept to specification, development, operation and decommissioning. They will also be confident in characterizing an energy challenge, determine the necessary resource consumption and manage processes for problem-solving/realization. This program intend to prepare students for engagement in the development and implementation of sustainable energy technology, leadership positions in the field, as well as academic research. The future is bright, and, with properly trained engineers, society will reach sustainability in energy systems on a regional as well as global level.
MSc Course Program in Renewable Energy Engineering
Part A: Core Courses
| Course
| Units
| Theoretical Hours
| Practical Hours
| Considerations
| Basic of Renewable Energy (1) | 3
| 51
| -
| Basic of Renewable Energy (2) | 3
| 51
| -
| Applied Statistics and Mathematics | 3
| 51
| -
| Renewable Systems Design | 3
| 51
| -
| Energy Conversion and Storage | 3
| 51
| -
| Energy and Environment | 2
| 34
| -
| Lab Experiments (Indoor and Outdoor) | 1
| -
| 32
Total | 18
| 289
| 32
Part B: Elective Courses ( two courses must be elected)
| Course
| Units
| Theoretical Hours
| Practical Hours
| Considerations
| Energy Auditing and System Analysis | 2
| 34
| -
| Solar Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Nuclear Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Wind Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Hydrodynamic Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Biomass Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Bio Energy | 2
| 34
| -
| Hydrogen and Fuel Cell | 2
| 34
| -
| Energy Sources and Consumptions | 2
| 34
| -
| Management & Energy Economics | 2
| 34
| -
Total | 20
| 340
Part C: Seminar
| Course Name
| Units
| Theoretical Hours
| Practical Hours
| Considerations
| Seminar | 2
| 34
Total | 2
| 34
Part D: Project
| Course Name
| Units
| Theoretical Hours
| Practical Hours
| Considerations
| MSc Project | 6
| 96
Total | 6
| 96
Basic of Renewable Energy (1)
Course contents:
First and Second law of Thermodynamics, Irreversibility, Power and Heat cycles in renewable energy applications, Heat transfer, radiation and Convection, Fundamentals of solar energy, Solar collectors, Investigation of Solar Heating Systems, Investigation of Renewable Systems
- J. R. Howell, M. P. Menguc, R. Siegel, Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, CRC Press, 2015
- A. Bejan, Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley, 2016
Basic of Renewable Energy (2)
Course contents:
An introduction to statistical thermodynamics, Quantum mechanics, solid phase and plasma, Fundamentals of fuel cells, Fundamentals of thermodynamics and magnetic hydrodynamics, Fundamentals of generating electricity at photovoltaic, Generating hydrodynamics electricity, Generating electricity at Thermionic and Piezoelectric, Solid and liquid phase convertors and other convertors
- M. A. Green Third Generation Photovoltaics: Advanced Solar Energy Conversion, Springer, 2006.
H. Tian, G. Boschloo, A. Hagfeldt Molecular Devices for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage, Springer 2017
Applied Statistics and Mathematics
Course Contents:
Matrix and Determinant, Integral, multiple integral, differential, Time series and forecasting, Overview and Primary concepts of Statistics, Normal, Gaussian & Poisson distribution, t, F Test, Means comparison, Regression correlation , Parameters types(Qualitative & Quantitative), Sampling methods, Principles test design, Complete factorial design by two faces, Trivial factorial design by two faces, Complete and trivial factorial design by three faces, Uncertainty, Covariance analysis types (one and multiple variables)
- D. C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley, 2017
Renewable Energy Systems Design
Course Contents:
Development and execution of renewable energy project, consist of execution and employing reasons, Feasibility Analysis, evaluation and micro renewable energy systems, Economical evaluation of renewable energy systems, "Ret Screen" software for feasibility analysis and "RAPSIM" software for simulation, Noticing students about the Institute's solar site, Designing renewable energy systems using "RAPSIM" software, "TRNSYS" simulation software and designing renewable energy systems using this software, Designing renewable energy systems using "F-chart" method simulation results analysis, Designing passive systems in building
- S. Obara, Ed., Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems: Microgrid and Nature Grid Methods, Engineering Science References, 2014.
- A. Keyhani, Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems, Wiley, 2017.
- Z. Salameh, Renewable Energy System Design, Academic Press, 2014.
Energy & Environment
Course Contents:
Energy technology influences on environment, Evaluation of energy field influence on environment, Environmental controls in energy field, Chemistry and environment, Energy consumption and climate changing, Greenhouse gases, Energy and Sustainable Development, Air pollution caused by energy field, Water pollution caused by energy field, Nuclei pollution caused by energy field, Green energies
- Jake S. Diaz, Climate, Energy & Environment: Issues, Analyses & Developments, Nova Science Publishers, 2013.
Lab Experiments (Indoor & Outdoor)
Course contents:
Air and water flat collector's efficiency measurement , Concentration ratio and efficiency determination of concentrating collectors, Photovoltaic energy conversion system efficiency determination, Fuel cells efficiency determination, Conversion of water wave energy to electricity experiment, Optimum angle and distance of wind turbine blades determination, Visit Bushehr power plant and AmirAbad research reactor and take a report
- Daniel Short, Laboratory Experiments in Environmental Physics, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.
Energy Auditing and System Analysis
Course Contents:
Energy Auditing methods, Energy efficiency evaluation methods (Pinch analysis, energy equilibrium), Methods of optimization of energy consumption in systems, Renewable Refrigeration systems and power, heating and refrigerating cycles , Case study in domestic systems, Case study in industrial systems
- A. Thumann, W. J. Younger, T. Niehus, Handbook of Energy Audits, CRC Press, 2010.
- S. Desai, Handbook of Energy Audit, McGraw Hill Education, 2012.
Solar Energy
Course Contents:
An introduction to solar radiation, Solar radiation measurement, An introduction to heat transfer, Solar collectors at low temperature, Solar heating systems at low temperature, the components of flow distribution systems, system design, optimum collector surface determination, heating storage, production, installation and maintenance costs, Solar collectors at medium temperature, concentration coefficient, solar concentrator types, V-type solar reflectors, Parabolic reflectors, concentrators efficiency calculation, heat transfer in concentrators, Solar energy applications, solar water heating systems, solar heating, passive solar heating systems, solar refrigeration systems, solar heating and solar pools industrial process
- J. M. Gordon, Ed., Solar Energy: The State of the Art, Earthscan, 2013.
- A. Reinders, P. Verlinden, A. Freundlich, Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications, Wiley, 2017.
- J. A. Duffie, W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley, 2013.
Nuclear Energy
Course Contents:
Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion, Fission chain reaction, Nuclear fuel cycle, Nuclear Power plant, Comparison between nuclear power plant and other power plants, Nuclear energy and environment, Reactor safety, Radiation protection, Nuclear waste
- B. J. Lewis, E. N. Onder, A. A. Prudil, Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering, Wiley, 2017.
- K. D. Kok, Ed., Nuclear Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 2009.
Wind Energy
Course Contents:
The history of using of wind energy, Types of Anemometer and its application, Using of wind energy for making electricity & Rinse, Vertical & horizontal wind turbines structure, Anemometry & Weibull & Riley Statistical functions, Determination of wind energy, Wind rose curves of power continuity, Introduction to lateral systems (generator tower) and turbine control systems
- V. Nelson, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, CRC Press, 2014.
- T. Burton, N. Jenkins, D. Sharpe, E. Bossanyi, Wind Energy Handbook, Wiley, 2011.
Hydrodynamic Energy
Course Contents:
Overview of seas and waves, Wave energy and fundamental techniques in converting of Wave energy (Vertical & angular vibrating float, Reservoir vibrators of pressure chambers, Bumpy back and forth Convertors, butterfly bumpy converter), Advanced techniques in converting of wave energy (Shelter cam method, Colorale floating board, Russell rectifier, Wave concentration technique), Transfer & conversion of wave energy methods, Tide energy, Tide reason, Ocean heat energy, Hydroelectric power plants
- K. Goldsmith, Future Prospect of Hydropower, Water Power and Dam Construction, U.K. Reed Publishing Group, 1992
- M. E. McCormick, Ocean Wave Energy Conversion, Dover publication, 2013
- A. Khaligh, O. C. Onar, Energy Harvesting: Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems, CRC Press, 2010
Biomass Energy
Course Contents:
Renewable Energies, Biomass resources, Heat & mass transfer, Design of Reactor, Destruction & conversion mechanism
- E. Dahlquist, Ed., Technologies for Converting Biomass to Useful Energy, CRC Press, 2013
- R. M. Łukasik, Ed., High Pressure Technologies in Biomass Conversion, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017
Bio Energy
Course Contents:
Bio Fuel: Methanol, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Diesel Fisher-Tropsh, Hydrogen
- Ethanol production from sugar & starch resources
- Bio photolysis and hydrogen production
- Cellulose Recourses and ethanol production
- H. Chen, L. Wang, Technologies for Biochemical Conversion of Biomass, Elsevier Science, 2016
- M. Moo-Young, Biomass Conversion Technology: Principles and Practice, Elsevier Science, 2013
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Course Contents:
Steady energy resources , Hydrogen & energy, Resources, production, storage, hydrogen transferring as a fuel, Fundamental, system types & applications of fuel cells, Fundamental of thermodynamics and kinetic of fuel cells' reactions, Fundamental of mass transfer in fuel cells, Fundamental of heat transfer in fuel cells
- R. L. Busby, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: A Comprehensive Guide, PennWell Corporation, 2005
- D. Stolten, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2010
Energy Sources & Consumption
Course Contents:
- Energy sources (Fossils fuel, Nuclear energy, Renewable energy resources, Solar energy, Heat, Biomass, Water and …)
- Energy Consumption:
- Energy Consumption in transportation
- Energy Consumption in industry
- Energy Consumption in Domestic use
- Energy Consumption in services
- Charles E. Brown, World Energy Resources, Springer, 2002
- J. E. Fanchi, Energy In The 21st Century, World Scientific, 2013
- R. L. Nersesian, Energy for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Guide, M. E. Sharpe, 2013
Management & Energy Economics
Course Contents:
Management of energy good and demand and renewable energy replacement potential, Renewable energy technology development and application , Energy planning models investigation, Primary concepts of energy economics, Different techniques of investment and cash flow evaluation, Sensitivity Analysis, Case study
- Bent Sørensen, Renewable Energy: Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics and Planning, Academic Press, 2011
P. Zweifel, A. Praktiknjo, G. Erdmann, Energy Economics: Theory and Applications, Springer, 2017