University of Tehran Kish International Campus offers online interactive Persian Language Programs with prominent instructors who can teach you the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing Persian Language in a basic range of everyday situations relating to the personal needs.

Each course includes 16 sessions, each session 2 hours. You can be in contact with a professional instructor who tries to teach you each step of the way. You just need to use the related application and be in interaction with your instructor and friends. You will also have access to PowerPoint and PDF files to do your homework and it is all fun and learning!

A certificate of completion will also be issued by the University of Tehran- KIC at the end of the program which provides the students with a record of attending the online Persian program.

Programs :


Tuition Fee


Elementary (I, II, III)

100 € (Per Level)


Elementary (I)


Who is the course for?

The course is aimed at a wide range of students with a general interest in Persian. No prior knowledge of Persian is required as the course is for complete beginners.




What are the objectives of the course?


To acquire basic language skills and to achieve the equivalent of A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), entry level of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).


By the end of the course, you will:

  • be able to communicate in very basic everyday-life situations, including greetings, daily activities, finding your way, telling the time and date, making simple purchases, ordering a meal, etc.
  • be able to understand very simple oral and written texts and ascertain specific information on simple topics
  • have developed an insight into Persian-speaking life, culture and society


How is the course taught?

A communicative approach is used. All four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) are practiced, with the main emphasis on speaking. Students engage in interactive language activities, participating in group and pair work according to a syllabus based on systematic grammatical progression. Students will also be offered guidance in self-study and set optional homework tasks.


Course outline




  • Countries, cities and nationalities
  • Places around town, transportation
  • The town center: directions and locations
  • Family
  • Jobs, occupations, work places
  • Talking about last weekend and holidays
  • Talking about people
  • Transport
  • Daily routine and activities
  • Food and drink: Persian cuisine
  • Days of the week / the Iranian calendar


  • Introducing yourself and others
  • Identifying and describing objects, people and places
  • Greeting others, responding to greetings
  • Providing simple information about yourself and others
  • Describing past events
  • Describing people and use simple adjectives
  • Asking and answering about someone's age
  • Giving directions with the use of different prepositions
  • Telling the time
  • Talking about daily routines and activities
  • Apologizing
  • Offering
  • Requesting and declining things politely


  • Subject and Object pronouns
  • Demonstrative adjectives
  • Definite and indefinite articles
  • Question words / presuppositions
  • There is / there are
  • The verb ‘to have' and possessive adjectives
  • The Past tense
  • Numbers 1-100
  • Ordinal and cardinal numbers
  • The Present tense / negation
  • The Future tense
  • Comparative superlative forms of adjectives
  • The Imperative tense


Textbook and exercise book

The teacher will supply material, both tailor-made and taken from other sources (textbooks, newspapers and new media).

Course Schedule for Elementary (I)

Days Time*
Monday – Thursday (May 10th , 2021) 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.


*All classes are held at IRST — Iran Standard Time.



  Course Tuition Fee Sessions

Elementary (I, II, III)

100 € (Per Level) 16

Intermediate (I)

How long does the course last?

Evening Language Course: Lessons take place twice a week over 8 weeks and last 2 hours each.


Who is the course for?

The course is aimed at a wide range of students with a general interest in Persian with one of the following:

  • Level 3 of the PLC Courses
  • A2/B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • Level 2 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
  • Preliminary level of the Asset Languages qualifications


What are the objectives of the course?

To develop existing language skills further and to achieve the equivalent of B1/B2 level of the CEFR, level 2 of the RQF.

By the end of the course, you will:

  • be able to understand longer passages and recognize people's points of view.
  • be able to answer unprepared questions in a conversation or following a presentation.
  • be able to understand longer texts and recognize people's points of view.
  • be able to write a text, e.g., a report, article or story, conveying opinions and points of view.


How is the course taught?

A communicative approach is used. All four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) are practiced, with the main emphasis on speaking. Students engage in interactive language activities, participating in group and pair work according to a syllabus based on systematic grammatical progression. Students will also be offered guidance in self-study and set optional homework tasks.


Course outline
Topics Functions Grammar
  • An invitation to supper
  • He saw me in the library/ The man was seen
  • Iranian Customs and traditions
  • Proverbs in Farsi
  • Going for a quick snack
  • Through the door
  • Suggesting a visit to a friend
  • Planning a summer trip
  • How are you feeling?
  • Taking part in social situations (e.g. greeting / responding to greetings; expressing thanks; apologizing)
  • Repairing communication (e.g. asking for repetition, checking meaning)
  • Giving information
  • Asking / answering questions
  • Describing
  • Asking for and giving opinions
  • Justifying opinions
  • Following / giving instructions
  • Asking for things
  • Forming and using compound verbs
  • Identifying the direct object of verb
  • Recognizing and forming transitive and intransitive verbs
  • Prepositions
  • Expressing wishes, hopes, plans
  • Using the proper future tense
  • Relative clauses
  • Idiomatic impersonal verbs
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Conjunctions
  • Past Perfect tense


Learning Resources

Textbook and exercise book

The teacher will supply material, both tailor-made and taken from other sources (textbooks, newspapers and new media).

Independent study

Research indicates that successful language learners revise new material and review their progress on a regular basis. The Persian Language Centre (PLC) recommends a wide collection of learning material including text and grammar books, magazines and newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and self-access e-learning language programs to facilitate language learning.

Course Schedule

Days Time*
Tuesday- Friday (May 11th , 2021) 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.


*All classes are held at IRST — Iran Standard Time.


Required documents:
Registration Form (in English language only)
• A scanned copy of the data page of your passport
• A scanned copy of an ID-sized photograph.

Please send all the required documents to


Comments from Participants in Class:

"I had traveled to Iran before, so I knew about the people and the country, but I've never been to an Island like Kish before. People are outgoing and relaxed. I found Farsi important to have a better connection to the people. I found people very nice here, they are friendly and contact very easily. I did not have any bad experience. There is nothing to be afraid of, even in the evening you can go everywhere without hesitation. We had a very relaxing atmosphere in the class and a lot of fun besides learning".

"I like the atmosphere in Kish. It is calm and open. I've got the feeling it's easy to have conversation with people, the weather is beautiful and the nature here is also beautiful. The program was useful because we had classes in the morning and journey in the afternoon. we could practice what we had learned and this was pretty good.  I had good experience talking to different people; taxi drivers, people in the street, on the beach. I will definitely recommend this program to my friends and I hope we can have exchange programs in future to connect people to each other and I hope people here also have the chance to come to Hamburg.

Our instructor was really well prepared, that was a good system to learn new things, to repeat them and practice them outside the class".

"Kish Island is a very interesting place. First when I got informed, that the Persian course would be in Kish, I googled Kish Island and I thought it would be a very small Island. I didn't think Kish would have that much things to do and see.

I really love to learn different languages, like Arabic, Spanish, Farsi... because in my opinion, the different languages are kind of a key to understand the culture and the customs of the people. Because I improved my Farsi-skills a lot in just two weeks, I will definitely recommend this course to others. For me one of the best experience was "Ashoura", a very important mourning ceremony for Shi'i Muslims. It was a really special experience I was able to see in the street. The quality of the facilities is more than what I expected.


Clips from Online Participants: