Mechatronic Engineering - پردیس بین المللی کیش kish

University of Tehran
Kish International Campus
Master Program in
Mechatronic Engineering
Mechatronic systems engineers use precision mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering, as well as math and computer science, to design the enhanced products, systems, and manufacturing processes demanded by today's marketplace. Connecting the disciplines of mechanics, electronics, computer science and control engineering is the core competence of modern engineering. Thus the Mechatronics curriculum provides a broad insight into state-of-the-art methods for this interdisciplinary combination reinforced by research projects carried out at the university or in industry. Using advanced scientific and engineering knowledge, mechatronic systems engineers combine mechanical, electric, and electronic subsystems to create single controllable systems. The automobile today contains over 100 computers – and is just one of the many modern machines, from clothes dryers and dishwashers to auto-focus cameras and ATMs, that relies on mechatronic systems. Mechatronic systems engineers also play an indispensable role in industrial robotics and the development of autonomous (unmanned) vehicles, which can function as everything from space probes to mobile military reconnaissance units. A future career is possible in a wide array of branches including aviation engineering, automotive industry, ship building, biomedical devices engineering and electronic entertainment.
This program will prepare students to lead the introduction of new technologies and operating practices in advanced manufacturing and a range of other technical industries including mechanical systems design, mechatronics and micro- and nano-technology.
Master Degree Curriculum in Mechatronic Engineering
The Master of Mechatronic Engineering requires completion of 32 credits, with 9 credits in the core courses, 9 credits in the specialty courses, 6 credits in the elective courses and 2 credits for the seminar. The program requires completion of a thesis of 6 credits. Admitted students with a different undergraduate degree are also required to complete a few credits of leveling courses which prepare such students for success in the Master of Mechatronic Engineering, these courses do not count toward the degree.
A minimum GPA of 14 over 20 must be maintained for graduation.
Leveling Courses (not applicable to degree)
The Master in Mechatronic Engineering assumes a B.Sc. degree in related Engineering fields. After admission any student holding any other undergraduate will be required to complete the leveling courses, determined by the advisory board of the program, that are designed to provide a back ground for the Master courses. These leveling courses are not counted for graduate credit towards the Master degree.
Students must write and defend a final thesis . The curriculum is intended to be completed in four semesters. This program is taught in English.
Core Courses: 3 courses required; 9 credits
The core curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep and broad foundation that serves throughout their career.
Course | Credits | Hours |
Mechatronic 1 | 3 | 48 |
Mechatronic 2 | 3 | 48 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 | 48 |
Specialty courses: 3 courses required; 9 credits
The purpose of this component of the curriculum is to provide each Mechatronic Engineering student the opportunity to acquire knowledge and capabilities in one or more specialized topics which extend the fundamentals developed in the core courses to more advanced or specialized areas relevant to Mechatronic Engineering practice. This also permits the student to develop a concentration or option in a more specialized technical area.
Course | Credits | Hours |
Systems Identification | 3 | 48 |
Advanced Robotic | 3 | 48 |
Advanced Control | 3 | 48 |
Artificial Intelligence | 3 | 48 |
Neural Networks | 3 | 48 |
Elective courses: 2 courses required, 6 credits
Course | Credits | Hours |
Industrial automation | 3 | 48 |
Simulation and Modeling in Biomechatronics | 3 | 48 |
Finite Element Methods | 3 | 48 |
Advanced Hydraulic and Pneumatic | 3 | 48 |
Machine Vision | 3 | 48 |
System Modeling and Computer Simulation | 3 | 48 |
New Materials Technology | 3 | 48 |
Course | Credits | Hours |
Seminar | 2 | 36 |
Thesis: 6 credits
The research work for the thesis is supervised by one of the department member. The thesis must be written and defended within the second calendar years after admission into the Master program. The Thesis Committee will consist of a Chair and at least two other academic referees.
Course Descriptions
Mechatronics 1
Course Content:
Analog devices, Power electronics, Digital electronics, Transducers, Time response analysis, Stability, Frequency response analysis, Belts, Chains, Cams, Mechanical systems, Microelectromechan1cal systems mems, Robotics, Applications of computers in mechatronics
[1] | D. Singh and j. G. Joshi, Mechatronics, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2006. |
Mechatronics 2
Course Content:
The Role of Controls in Mechatronics, The Role of Modeling in Mechatronics Design, Signals and Systems, State Space Analysis and System Properties, Response of Dynamic Systems, The Root Locus Method, Frequency Response Methods, Kalman Filters as Dynamic System State Observers, System Interfaces, Communications and Computer Networks, Fault Analysis in Mechatronic Systems, Logic System Design, Architecture, Control with Embedded Computers and Programmable Logic Controllers, Graphical System Design for Embedded Systems, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Digital Signal Processing for Mechatronic Applications, Control System Design Via H2 Optimization, Adaptive and Nonlinear Control Design, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Advanced Control of an Electrohydraulic Axis, Design Optimization of Mechatronic Systems, Motion Control, Real Time Monitoring and Control, Micromechatronics and Microelectromechanical Motion Devices, Introduction to Computers and Logic Systems, Digital Logic Concepts and Combinational Logic Design, Application in Control and Mechatronics, Introduction to Data Acquisition, Sensors and Transducers, AD and DA Conversion, Signal Conditioning, Virtual Instrumentation Systems, Software Design and Development, Data Recording and Logging
[1] | ,. D. Singh and j. G. Joshi, Mechatronics, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2006. |
[2] | R. H. Bishop, Mechatronic System Control, Logic, and Data Acquisition, CRC Press, 2007. |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Course Contents:
Vectors and Vector Spaces, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalization, First Order Differential Equations, Second and Higher Order Linear Differential Equations and Systems, The Laplace Transform, Series Solutions of Differential Equations, Special Functions, and Sturm–Liouville Equations, Fourier Series, Fourier Integrals and the Fourier Transform, Vector Differential Calculus, Vector Integral Calculus, Analytic Functions, Complex Integration, Laurent Series, Residues, and Contour Integration, The Laplace Inversion Integral, Conformal Mapping and Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Mathematics
[1] | A. Jeffrey, Advance Engineerig Mathematics, HARCOURT/ACADEMIC PRESS, 2002. |
Systems Identification
Course Contents:
Introduction, Databased Identification, Time invariant Systems Identification, Time varying Systems Identification, Model Validation
[1] | K. J. Keesman, System Identification: An Introduction, Springer Science & Business Media, 2011. |
Advanced Robotic
Course Contents:
Spatial descriptions and transformations, Manipulator kinematics, Inverse manipulator kinematics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces, Manipulator dynamics, Trajectory generation, Manipulator-mechanism design, Linear control of manipulators, Nonlinear control of manipulators, Force control of manipulators Robot programming languages and systems, Off-line programming systems
[1] | J. J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics, Pearson Education, 2005. |
[2] | W. Khalil and E. Dombre, Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. |
[3] | R. P. Paul, Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming, and Control, Richard Paul, 1981. |
Advanced Control
Course Contents:
Introduction to Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems, Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Systems and Thermal Systems, Transient and Steady-State Response Analyses, Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Root-Locus Method, Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Frequency-Response Method, PID Controllers and Modified PID Controllers, Control Systems Analysis in State Space, Control Systems Design in State Space
[1] | K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education, 2010. |
[2] | O. I. Elgerd, Control systems theory, McGraw-Hill, 1967. |
Artificial Intelligence
Course Contents:
The Intelligent Computer, Semantic Nets and Description Matching, Generate and Test, Means-Ends Analysis and Problem Reduction, Nets and Basic Search, Nets and Optimal Search, Trees and Adversarial Search, Rules and Rule Chaining, Rules, Substrates, and Cognitive Modeling, Frames and Inheritance, Frames and Commonsense, Numeric Constraints and Propagation, Symbolic Constraints and Propagation, Logic and Resolution Proof, Backtracking and Truth Maintenance, Planning Using If-Add-Delete Operators, Learning by Analyzing Differences, Learning by Explaining Experience, Learning by Correcting Mistakes, Learning by Recording Cases, Learning by Managing Multiple Models, Learning by Building Identification Trees, Learning by Training Neural Nets, Learning by Training Perceptron, Learning by Training Approximation Nets, Learning by Simulating Evolution, Recognizing Objects, Describing Images, Expressing Language Constraints, Responding to Questions and Commands
[1] | P. H. Winston, Artifitial Intelligence, Patrick H. Winston, 1992. |
[2] | P. H. Winston, Lisp, Pearson Education, 2000. |
Advanced Hydraulic and Pneumatic
Course Contents:
The Hydraulic Power Unit, Hydraulic Accumulators, Fluid Power Lines, Hydraulic Valves and their Function, Hydraulic Cylinders Intensifies and Motors, Heat Exchangers for Hydraulic Systems, Synchronizing the Movement of Fluid Power Rams, Dual Pressure Hydraulic Systems, Air Cylinders and their Design, PowerOperated Holding Devices, Pneumatic Safety Circuits, Remote Control Pneumatic Systems, Combination of Fluids in a Single System, HighPressure Hydraulic Systems, Rotary Actuators, Air Motors, Safety Controls for Hydraulic Circuits, Sequencing of Hydraulic Cylindrical Motion, Packings and Seals, Air Filters Lubricators and Regulators, Pneumatic Controls, Pneumatic Logic Controls, Fluidics, Hydraulic Servo Control Systems, Hydrostatic Transmissions
[1] | H. L. Stewart, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power for Production, Industrial Press Inc, 1977. |
[2] | H. J. Leskiewicz and M. Zaremba, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Components and Instruments in Automatic Control, Elsevier, 2014. |
[3] | D. McCloy and H. R. Martin, Control of fluid power, E. Horwood, 1980 . |
Neural Networks
Course content:
Complexity and Challenges in Understanding Biological Ecological and Natural Systems, Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Models for Linear Data Analysis, Neural Networks for Nonlinear Pattern Recognition, Learning of Nonlinear Patterns by Neural Networks, Implementation of Neural Network Models for Extracting Reliable Patterns from Data, Data Exploration Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Extraction, Assessment of Uncertainty of Neural Network Models Using Bayesian Statistics, Discovering Unknown Clusters in Data with SelfOrganizing Maps, Neural Networks for TimeSeries Forecasting
[1] | S. Samarasinghe, Neural Networks for Applied Sciences and Engineering: From Fundamentals to Complex Pattern Recognition, CRC Press, 2016. |
[2] | S. Raschka, Python Machine Learning, Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015. |
[3] | K. Gurney, An Introduction to Neural Networks, CRC Press, 2003. |
Industrial automation
Course content:
Automation and Manufacturing, Important Concepts, Components and Hardware, Machine Systems, Process Systems and Automated Machinery, Software, Occupations and Trades, Industrial and Factory Business Systems, Machine and System Design, Applications
[1] | F. Lamb, Industrial Automation: Hands On, McGraw Hill Professional, 2013. |
[2] | K. Collins, PLC Programming for Industrial Automation, Exposure, 2007. |
[3] | A. K. Gupta and S. K. Arora, Industrial Automation and Robotics, Laxmi Publications, 2009. |
Simulation and Modeling in Biomechatronics
Course content:
Introduction, State of the Art, Signal Processing Methods for SSVEPBased BCIs, SSVEPBased BCI for Lower Limb Rehabilitation, A Hybrid BCI for Gaming, EMGDriven Physiological Model for Upper Limb, Exoskeleton Control Based on Neural Interface, Muscle Force Estimation Model for Gait Rehabilitation, Neuromuscular Model for Gait Rehabilitation, Conclusions and Future Prospects
[1] | S. (. Xie and W. Meng, Biomechatronics in Medical Rehabilitation: Biomodelling, Interface, and Control, Springer, 2017. |
Finite Element Methods
Course content:
The standard discrete system and origins of the finite element method, Plane stress, Generalization of the finite element concepts Galerkinweighted residual and variational approaches, Mapped elements and numerical integration infinite and singularity elements, Problems in linear elasticity, Field problems heat conduction electric and magnetic potential and fluid flow, Automatic mesh generation, The patch test reduced integration and nonconforming elements, Mixed formulation and constraints complete field methods, Incompressible problems mixed methods and other procedures of solution, Multidomain mixed approximations domain decomposition and frame methods, Errors recovery processes and error estimates, Adaptive finite element refinement, Pointbased and partition of unity approximations Extended finite element methods, The time dimension semidiscretization of field and dynamic problems and analytical solution procedures, The time dimension discrete approximation in time, Coupled systems
[1] | O. C Zienkiewicz, ,. L. Taylor and J. Zhu, The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. |
[2] | N. S. Gokhale, Practical Finite Element Analysis, Finite To Infinite, 2008. |
System Modeling and Computer Simulation
Course content:
Programming in C, Scripts, Software Engineering, Debugging and Testing, Objectoriented Software Development, Algorithms and data structures, Libraries, Randomness and Statistics, Information Retrieval Publishing and Presentations
[1] | A. K. Hartmann, Big Practical Guide to Computer Simulations: Second Edition, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2015. |
[2] | J. Banks, Discrete-event System Simulation, Prentice Hall, 2010. |
Machine Vision
Course content:
Vision the Challenge, LowLevel Vision, IntermediateLevel Vision, 3D Vision and Motion, Toward RealTime Pattern Recognition Systems
[1] | E. R. Davies, Computer and Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Academic Press, 2012. |
[2] | E. R. Davies, Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Elsevier, 2004. |
New Materials Technology
Course content:
Introduction, Nanotechnology, Carbon-Carbon Composites, Shape Memory Alloys-Effect, Nanostructured Materials NSM, Powder Metallurgy PM, Nanotubes, Functionally Gradient Materials, Microelectromechanical Systems, Fuel Cells, Liquid Crystal Polymers Interpenetrating Network for Polymers Interpenetrating Phase Ceramics, Processes and Fabrication
[1] | M. Schwartz, New Materials, Processes, and Methods Technology, CRC Press, 2005. |