Energy Systems Engineering- Environmental - پردیس بین المللی کیش kish
University of Tehran
Kish International Campus
Ph.D. Degree Program in
Energy Systems Engineering- Environmental
Energy Systems in Environmental Engineering is a multidisciplinary program that aims to meet the current and growing challenge of dwindling fossil fuel resources and the critical demand for alternative, renewable energy sources as a global priority. As the energy industry undergoes transformative changes, a highly trained, diverse workforce is needed to innovate and drive the world's clean energy future.
The PhD degree program in Energy Systems - Environmental Engineering, integrates the technology of energy systems development in the light of environmental planning needs for more effective implementation of such technologies. The goal of the Energy Systems in Environmental Engineering is to create a high-level signature, interdisciplinary graduate program for the engineers who are pursuing or expecting an industrial or public-planning-based career.
This program focuses primarily on the impact of industrial activities on the environment and the choice of cost-effective remediation strategies and means. All students gain a deeper understanding of both the impact of environmental degradation on society and the effects on industrial activity of society's demands for protection of man and the environment.
PhD Curriculum
The PhD of Energy Systems Engineering- Environmental requires completion of 36 credits, a set of core courses (9 credits), 9 credits of elective courses and a PhD thesis (18 credits). The main emphasis of the program is on the successful completion of an original and independent research project written and defended as a dissertation.
Comprehensive Exam
Comprehensive Exam should be taken at most at the end of the 4th semester and is required before a student could defend the Ph.D. proposal. Students will have two chances to pass the Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam. If students receive an evaluation of "unsatisfactory" on their first Comprehensive Exam attempt, the student may retake the qualifier once. A second failure will result in termination from the program. The Comprehensive Exam is designed to ensure that the student starts early in gaining research experience; it also ensures that the student has the potential to conduct doctoral-level research.
Ph.D. Proposal
The Ph.D. proposal must contain Specific Aims, Research Design and Methods, and Proposed Work and Timeline. In addition the proposal must also contain a bibliography and, as attachments, any publications/supplementary materials. The student must defend their thesis proposal to their committee in an oral exam.
Students should choose thesis advisor (along with one or two co-advisors if required) within the first year of being in the PhD program, approved by the Faculty committee. In the second year a thesis committee suggested by the advisor alongside by the Ph.D. proposal should be handed over for approval. The thesis committee should consist of a minimum of five faculty members. Two members of thesis committee should be from the other Universities at the associate Professor level. Not later than the end of the 5th semester a student has to present and defend a written PhD proposal.
Research Progress
A student is expected to meet with his/her thesis committee at least once a year to review the research progress. In the beginning of each university calendar year, each student and the student's advisor are required to submit an evaluation assessment of the student's progress, outlining past year accomplishments and plans for the current year. The thesis committee reviews these summaries and sends the student a letter summarizing their status in the program. Students who are failing to make satisfactory progress are expected to correct any deficiencies and move to the next milestone within one year. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program.
PhD Dissertation
Within 4 years after entering the PhD program, the student is expected to complete the thesis research; the student must have the results of the research accepted or published in peer reviewed journals. Upon submitting a written thesis and public defense and approval by the committee, the student is awarded the PhD degree. The defense will consist of (1) a presentation of the dissertation by the graduate student, (2) questioning by the general audience, and (3) closed door questioning by the dissertation committee. The student will be informed of the exam result at the completion of all three parts of the dissertation defense. All members of the committee must sign the final report of the doctoral committee and the final version of the dissertation.
A minimum GPA of 16 over 20 must be maintained for graduation.
Leveling Courses (not applicable to degree)
The Ph.D. in Energy Systems Engineering- Environmental assumes a Master degree in related fields. However students holding any other master degree besides will be required to complete leveling courses that are designed to provide a back ground for the Ph.D. courses. These leveling courses are decided by the faculty committee and are not counted for graduate credits towards the Ph.D. in Energy Systems Engineering- Environmental.
Core courses: 3 courses required; 9 credits
Course | Credits | Hours |
Energy Systems Analysis | 3 | 48 |
Advanced Mathematical Programing | 3 | 48 |
Modeling of Energy Systems | 3 | 48 |
Elective courses: 3 courses required; 9 credits
Course | Credits | Hours |
Energy and Environment | 3 | 48 |
Environmental /Techno-Economics | 3 | 48 |
Environmental Emissions Control | 3 | 48 |
Environmental Modeling | 3 | 48 |
Energy from Wastes | 3 | 48 |
Energy in Wastewater Treatment | 3 | 48 |
Course Descriptions
Energy Systems Analysis
Course content:
Systems Tools for Energy Systems, Economic Tools for Energy Systems, Climate Change and Climate Modeling, Fossil Fuel Resources, Stationary Combustion Systems, Carbon Sequestration, Nuclear Energy Systems, The Solar Resource, Solar Photovoltaic Technologies, Solar Thermal Applications, Wind Energy Systems, Transportation Energy Technologies, Systems Perspective on Transportation Energy, Creating the Twenty First Century Energy System. Network Models, Econometric Models, Petroleum Sector Models, Input-Output Models, Industrial Process Models, Electric Sector Models, Energy System Optimization Models, Simulation Models, Energy Economic Linkages.
[1] | P. Meier, Energy Systems Analysis for Developing Countries, Springer , 2012. |
[2] | F. Vanek and L. Albright, Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation, McGraw Hill Professional, 2008. |
Advanced Mathematical Programing
Course content:
Basic Of Operational Research, Linear Programming, The Transportation Model, The Assignment Model, Sequence Models And Related Problems, Advanced Topics In Linear Programming, Dynamic Programming, Probability Theory, Decision Theory, Queuing Models, Replacement Models, Inventory Models, Simulation, Network Analysis In Project Planning, Statistical Quality Control, Non-Linear Programming
[1] | D. S. Hira, Operations Research, S. Chand Publishing, 2008. |
[2] | W. H. Marlow, Mathematics for Operations Research, Courier Corporation, 2013. |
Modeling of Energy Systems
Course content:
Introduction to Energy Usage Cost and Efficiency, Engineering Economics with VBA Procedures, The Sequential, The Simultaneous, Process Energy Balances, Eulers first order method, Introduction to Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection, PROBLEM, Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection in a Cogeneration System, Ga, Turbine Cogeneration System Performance Design and Off Design, Development of a Physical Properties Program for Cogeneration Calculations, Gas Turbine Cogeneration System Performance Design and Off Design, Gas Turbine Cogeneration System Economic Design Optimization and Heat, Optimal Power Dispatch in a Cogeneration Facility, Process Energy Integration, Process and Site Utility Integration, Site Utility Emissions, CVODE tutorial, Alternative Energy Systems, Systems Analysis, The Role of Expert Analysis in Complex Systems Decisions, Systems Representation and Decision making, Stakeholder Assisted Modeling and Policy Design, The Cape Wind Offshore Wind Energy Project, Stakeholder Assisted Modeling of Cape Wind, Learning from Cape Wind
[1] | I. Dincer, M. A. Rosen and P. Ahmadi, Optimization of Energy Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2017. |
[2] | A. Mostashari, Collaborative Modeling and Decision-making for Complex Energy Systems, World Scientific, 2011. |
[3] | F. C. Knopf, Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Process and Energy Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2011. |
Energy and Environment
Course content:
A Coupled Bottom-Up, Top-Down Model for GHG Abatement, Hybrid Energy Economy, Models and Endogenous Technological, The World MARKAL Model and Its Application to Cost, A Fuzzy Methodology for Evaluating a Market of Tradable CO2, An Integrated Assessment Model for Global, A Mixed Integer Multiple Objective Linear Programming Model, An Analysis of Ontario Electricity, Implications of the Integration of Environmental Damage
Connections, Energy and Human Activities, Energy Sources, Energy and Development
At The Purchasing Power Parity 2004, The Facts, Land Use Change, The Causes, Technical Solutions, Policies To Reduce Environmental Degradation, World Energy Trends, Energy And Lifestyles, Energy And The Science Academies, Energy Environment And Development Timeline
[1] | J. Goldemberg and O. Lucon, Energy, Environment and Development, Earthscan, 2010. |
[2] | R. Loulou, J.-P. Waaub and G. Zaccour, Energy and Environment, Springer , 2005. |
Environmental /Techno-Economics
Course Content:
Summary of the National Environmental Policy Act and Implementing Regulations, NEPA Process and Specific Requirements, Overview and Initiating the Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment, Conducting the Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment, Multilevel Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Analysis Tools, International and Individual State Environmental Impact Analysis Programs, Coordinating and Managing the Environmental Impact Analysis Processes, Background on Case Studies
Fossil fuel fired power generation under changing economic and environmental conditions, Economic assessment of emission control measures, In-depth methodology review and adaptation, Exemplary application of social cost-benefit analysis using an existing model and weak point analysis, Development of a cost and benefit assessment methodology for emission control measures at point sources, Application of the extended methodology framework and results
[1] | J. T. Maughan, Environmental Impact Analysis: Process and Methods, CRC Press, 2013. |
[2] | J. van der Kamp, Social cost-benefit analysis of air pollution control measures - Advancing environmental-economic assessment methods to evaluate industrial point emission sources, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2017. |
Environmental Emissions Control
Course content:
Pollution Control Technologies, Control Of Particulate Matter In Gaseous Emissions, Basic Concepts Of The Gas Phase, Emission Sampling And Analysis, Effluent Gas Monitoring, Dust Particle Formation And Characteristic, Dust Collection, Mechanical And Cyclonic Collectors, Gas Filtration, Electrostatic Precipitators, Wet Scrubbers, Control Of Gaseous Emissions, Control Of Carbon Monoxide And Volatile Organic Compounds Including Condensation, Adsorption of gaseous Pollutants, Adsorbents And Adsorption Processes For Pollution Control, Control Of Sulfur Oxides, Control Of Nitrogen Oxides, Odor Emission Control, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring And Control, Pollution Control Through Efficient Combustion Technology, Combustion Fundamentals, Fundamentals Of Transport Phenomena In Combustion, Combustion Research And Computer Fluid Dynamics, Thermal And Catalytic Combustion, Management Of Combustible Waste, Waste Incineration Technology, Water Pollution, Measurement Of Water Quality, Water Supply, Water Treatment, Collection Of Wastewater, Wastewater Treatment, Sludge Treatment And Disposal, Nonpoint Source Water Pollution, Water Pollution Law, Solid Waste, Solid Waste Disposal, Resource Recovery, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Waste, Solid And Hazardous Waste Law, Air Pollution, Meteorology And Air Quality, Measurement Of Air Quality, Air Pollution Control, Air Pollution Law, Noise Pollution, Noise Measurement And Control, Environmental Impact, Environmental Ethics
[1] | B. Nath and G. S. Cholakov, Pollution Control Technologies - Volume I, EOLSS Publications, 2009. |
[2] | B. Nath and G. S. Cholakov, Pollution Control Technologies - Volume II, EOLSS Publications, 2009. |
[3] | P. A. Vesilind, J. J. Peirce and R. F. Weiner, Environmental Pollution and Control, Elsevier, 2013. |
Environmental Modeling
Course Content:
Developing Tools to Support Environmental Management and Policy, Rethinking the Modelling Activity, Issues Challenges and Future Directions, Environmental Policy Aid Under Uncertainty, Integrated Modelling Frameworks for Environmental Assessment and Decision Support, Intelligent Environmental Decision Support Systems, Formal Scenario Development for Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools for Environmental Modelling and Management, Modelling and Monitoring Environmental Outcomes in Adaptive Management, Data Mining for Environmental Systems, Computational Air Quality Modelling, Identification Resolution and Apportionment of Contamination Sources, Regional Models of Intermediate Complexity REMICs A New Direction, Integrated Landscape Modelling, Approaches and Applications, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Issues in Process based Models of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Model Data Fusion in Studies of the Terrestrial Carbon Sink, Building a Community Modelling and Information Sharing Culture
[1] | A. J. Jakeman, A. A. Voinov, A. E. Rizzoli and S. H. Chen, Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support: State of the Art and New Perspective, Elsevier, 2008. |
[2] | W. G. Gray and G. A. Gray, Introduction to Environmental Modeling, Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
Energy from Wastes
Course content:
Waste Analysis, Categorization, Density, Degradability, System Design, MRF Configuration, Efficiency of Unit Operations and Systems, Combustion Equipment, Energy Losses
Size Reduction, Energy Requirements, Air Classification in Waste Processing, The Cyclone Separator, The Trommel and Related Theory, Metals Recovery.
The Marketability of Recovered Resources Status and Policy, Governments Role in Setting Standards, Source Separation For Materials and Energy Recovery, Interaction of Source Separation, Technologies For Centralized Resource Recovery, Economics of Centralized, Resource Recovery, Major Source Separable Components, Issues, Institutional Problems in Centralized Resource Recovery 12, Effectiveness of the Federal Policy, Economic Policy, Waste Generation and Recycling, Effectiveness of Beverage Container, Estimated Potential Gross Revenue, SO Available Federal Options Applicable
[1] | Materials and energy from municipal waste : resource recovery and recycling from municipal solid waste and beverage container deposit legislation., DIANE Publishing. |
[2] | R. I. Stessel, Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering: Principles of Waste Processing, Springer, 2012. |
[3] | P. J. Reddy, Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste by Thermal Conversion Technologies, CRC Press, 2016. |
Energy in Wastewater Treatment
Course content:
Mass Flow and Balance of Carbonaceous Nitrogenous and Phosphorus Matters in a Large Water Reclamation Plant in Singapore, COD Nitrogen Conversation And Mass Flow In Couples UASB-Activated Sludge Process for Municipal Waste Power Treatment in Warm Climates, Energy Efficiency Of Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant, Vision: Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant And Sanitation Systems In 2030.
Chemically Assisted Primary Sedimentation A Green Chemistry Option, Detection of Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants, Removal of Trace Pollutants by Application of MBR Technology for Wastewater Treatment, Application of Wet Oxidation to Remove Trace Pollutants from Wastewater, Advanced Oxidation of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds Review on Photo-Fenton Treatment of Alkyl phenols and Biphenyl
Reusing Water and Sludge, Recovering Resource Energy and Chemicals, Economic Environmental Legal and Social Impacts, Conceiving Comparing and Selecting Efficient Processes, Micro-pollutants in water, implementing an eco-efficiency tool for the holistic design and assessment of the water cycle, NOVEDAR_EDSS Intelligent expert screening of process technologies
[1] | G. Lofrano, Green Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Energy Recovery and Emerging Compounds Removal, Springer, 2012. |
[2] | J. M. Lema and S. S. Martinez, Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment, IWA Publishing, 2017. |
[3] | C. Y. Shi, Mass Flow and Energy Efficiency of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, IWA Publishing, 2011. |