Civil Engineering-Structure - پردیس بین المللی کیش kish

University of Tehran
Kish International Campus
Master Program in
Civil Engineering- Structure
The graduate program of Civil Engineering- Structure at Kish campus of University of Tehran is aimed at training highly skilled professionals in structural engineering with the academic and engineering credentials.
The curriculum provides a strong basis for advanced professional practice and research. A particular highlight of the taught component of the course is studying the behavior and design of structures against extreme loading including fire and earthquake.
Structural engineering deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the load carrying components of civil engineering infrastructures: buildings, bridges, highways, airports, power plants, dams, underground structures, ocean structures, and protective structures. The capacity of withstanding exceptional loading events such as unintentional overloading, hurricanes, earthquakes, and man-made hazards and the ability of being durable, reliable, and economical affordable during the entire life-cycle are the two main issues at the forefront of modern civil engineering.
Master Degree Curriculum in Civil Engineering-Structure
Part A: Core Courses (5 Course)
Row | Course Name | Units | Hours | Practical (Hours) |
1 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 | 51 | |
2 | Finite Elements Method | 3 | 51 | |
3 | Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity | 3 | 51 | |
4 | Dynamics of Structures | 3 | 51 | |
5 | One of the following Courses | 3 | 51 | |
Advanced Steel Structure Design | 3 | 51 | ||
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | 3 | 51 | ||
Stability of the Structures | 3 | 51 | ||
Total | 15 |
Part B: Elective Courses (3 Courses must be elected)
Row | Course Name | Units | Hours | Practical (Hours) |
1 | Advanced Steel Structure Design | 3 | 51 | |
2 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | 3 | 51 | |
3 | Stability of the Structures | 3 | 51 | |
4 | Seismic Design of Structures | 3 | 51 | |
5 | Pre-Stress Concrete | 3 | 51 | |
6 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 51 | |
7 | Plasticity Theory | 3 | 51 | |
Total | 12 |
Part C: Thesis
Row | Course Name | Units | Hours | Lab(Hours) |
1 | Thesis | 6 | ||
Total | 6 |
Course Content Description
Dynamics of Structures
Course Contents:
Overview of Structural Dynamics, Analysis of Free Vibrations (SDOF), Response to Harmonic and Periodic and Impulsive Loading (SDOF), Response to General Dynamic Loading: Superposition Method and Step-by-Step Method (SDOF), Generalize Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems, Formulation of MDOF Equation of Motion, Evaluation of Structural-Property Matrices, Undamped Free Vibrations , Analysis of Dynamic Response using Superposition, Vibration Analysis by Matrix Iteration, Selection of Dynamic Degrees of Freedom, Analysis of MDOF Dynamic Response: Step-by-Step Methods, Variational Formulation of the Equation of Motion, Partial Differential Equation of Motion, Analysis of Undamped Free Vibrations, Analysis of Dynamic Response, Probability Theory, Stochastic Response of Linear SDOF Systems, Stochastic Response of Linear MDOF Systems Seismological background, Free-Field Surface Ground motions, Deterministic Earthquake Response: Systems on rigid foundations, Deterministic Earthquake Response: Including Soil Structure Interaction, Stochastic structural response
[1] | R. W. Cluogh and J. Penzein, Dynamics of Structures, Berkeley: Computers And Structures, Inc, 2006. |
Theory of Elasticity
Course Contents:
Stress tensor, Deformation of a continuum, The constitutive law in the linear theory of elasticity, Governing relationships in the linear theory of elasticity, Three-dimensional problems in the theory of elasticity, Saint-Venant's problem, The plane problem of the theory of elasticity, Constitutive laws for nonlinear elastic bodies
[1] | A. Lurie, Theory of Elasticity, Springer, 2010. |
Advance Reinforcement concrete
Course Contents:
Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs, Estimation of Crack width of Reinforced Concrete Members, Redistribution of Moments in Reinforced Concrete Beam, Design of Reinforced Concrete Beam, Design of Ribbed Slab, Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames for Vertical Loads by using Substitute Frames, Preliminary Design of Flat Slabs, Design of two-way Slab by Direct Design Method , Shear in Flat Slabs and Flat Plates, Equivalent Frame Analysis of flat Slabs, Design of Spandrel Beams, Provision of ties in Reinforced Concrete Slab-Frame System , Design of Reinforced Concrete Members for Fire Resistance, Design of Plain Concrete Walls, Earthquake Forces and Structural Response of Framed Buildings, Design of Shear Walls, Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Frames for Seismic Forces , Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Frames, Durability and Mix Design of Concrete, Quality Control of Concrete in Construction
[1] | P. Varghese, Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, Prentice-Hall, 2009. |
Advanced Steel Design
Course Contents:
Elastic Stiffness Equation of Prismatic Beam Element, Elastic Stiffness Equation of Tapered Beam Element, Elastic Stiffness Equation of Composite Beam Element, Sectional Yielding and Hysteretic Model of Steel Beam Columns, Hysteretic Behavior of Composite Beams, Elasto-Plastic Stiffness Equation of Beam Element, Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Stiffness Equations of Column Element, Effects of Joint Panel and Beam–Column Connection, Brace Element and its Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Stiffness Equations, Elastic Stability Analysis of Planar Steel Frames, Nonlinear Analysis of Planar Steel Frames, Seismic Response Analysis of Planar Steel Frames, Analysis Model for Space Steel Frames, Development of Structural Design Approach, Structural System Reliability Calculation, System Reliability Assessment of Steel Frames, Reliability-Based Advanced Design of Steel Frames
[1] | G.-Q. Li and J.-J. Li, Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Frames, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007. |
Pre-stressed concrete
Course Contents:
Basic principles, Limit state design, Loss of pre-stress force, Analysis of sections, Deflections, Shear, Pre-stressing systems and anchorages, Design of members, Composite construction, Indeterminate structures, Pre-stressed flat slabs
[1] | M. Hurst, Prestressed Concrete Design, London: Taylor & Francis, 2003. |
Stability of Structures
Course Contents:
Buckling of Elastic Columns by Equilibrium Analysis, Buckling of Elastic Frames by Equilibrium Analysis, Dynamic Analysis of Stability, Energy Methods, Energy Analysis of Continuous Structures and Approximate Methods, Thin-Walled Beams, Plates and Shells, Elastoplastic Buckling, Creep Buckling, Stability of Inelastic Structures, Bifurcation and 'Thermodynamic Basis, Three-Dimensional Continuum Instabilities and Effects of Finite Strain Tensor, Fracture as a Stability Problem, Damage and Localization Instabilities
[1] | Z. P. Bazant and L. Cedolin, Stability of Structures, World Scientific Publishing, 2010. |
Seismic Design of Structures
Course Contents:
Basic Seismology, Earthquake Characteristic, Effects of Earthquake on Structures, Vibration Theory, Response of Structure, Seismic Building Codes, Diagram Theory, Details of Seismic Resistance Concrete Structure, Details of Seismic Resistance Steel Structure, Details of Seismic Resistance Masonry Structure, Details of Seismic Resistance Wood Structure, Special Design Features
[1] | M. R. Lindeburg, Seismic Design of Building Structures, Belmont: Professional Publications, Inc, 2014. |
Advanced Concrete technology
Course Contents:
Cements, Calcium aluminate cements, Cementitious additions, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Geology, aggregates and classification, Aggregate prospecting and processing, Lightweight aggregate manufacture, The effects of natural aggregates on the properties of concrete
[1] | J. Newman and B. S. Choo, Advanced Concrete Technology, Elsevier Ltd, 2003. |
Theory of Plasticity
Course Contents:
Fundamental Concepts of Stress and Strain, Yield Condition, Theorems of Limit Analysis, Plastic Limit Analysis for Simply Supported Circular Plates, Plastic Limit Analysis of Clamped Circular Plates, Plastic Limit Analysis of Annular Plate, Plastic Limit Analyses of Oblique, Rhombic, and Rectangular Plates, Plastic Limit Analysis of Pressure Vessels, Dynamic Plastic Response of Circular Plate, Limit Angular Speed of Rotating Disc and Cylinder, Projectile Penetration into Semi-infinite Target, Plastic Analysis of Orthogonal Circular Plate, Unified Limit Analysis of a Wellbore, Unified Solution of Shakedown Limit for Thick-walled Cylinder, Unified Solution of Shakedown Limit for Circular Plate, Shakedown Analysis of Rotating Cylinder and Disc
[1] | M.-H. Yu and G.-W. Ma, Structural Plasticity_ Limit, Shakedown and Dynamic Plastic Analyses of Structures, Advanced Topics in Science and Technology, 2009. |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Course Contents:
Vectors and Vector Spaces, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalization, First Order Differential Equations, Second and Higher Order Linear Differential Equations and Systems, The Laplace Transform, Series Solutions of Differential Equations, Special Functions, and Sturm–Liouville Equations, Fourier Series, Fourier Integrals and the Fourier Transform, Vector Differential Calculus, Vector Integral Calculus, Analytic Functions, Complex Integration, Laurent Series, Residues, and Contour Integration, The Laplace Inversion Integral, Conformal Mapping and Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Mathematics
[1] | A. Jeffrey, Advance Engineerig Mathematics, HARCOURT/ACADEMIC PRESS, 2002. |
Finite Elements Method
Course Contents:
Fundamental concepts; a simple one-dimensional boundary-value problem, Formulation of two- and three-dimensional boundary-value problems, Isoparametric elements and elementary programming concepts, Mixed and penalty methods, reduced and selective integration, and sundry variational crimes, The approach to plates and beams, The approach to curved structural elements, Formulation of parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic eigenvalue problems, Algorithms for parabolic problems, Algorithms for hyperbolic and parabolic hyperbolic problems, Solution techniques for eigenvalue problems, Dlearn-a linear static and dynamic finite element analysis program
[1] | T. J. R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method_ Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Dover Publications , 2000. |